Using Output Files for Solicitor Data in ImportOmatic
Quite often gift data with solicitors does contain a solicitor’s name information, but does not include IMPORT IDs:
To link a gift to a solicitor you need the IMPORT ID of the solicitor. You can’t link a gift to a solicitor by using her first and last name. Follow these steps to create a file that holds the IMPORT ID of the solicitor:
- Create a profile that imports the solicitors in column E and F. Make sure to add a virtual field to turn on “constituent is a solicitor”. Do not import the donor in column A and B. This profile’s purpose is to import the person in column E as a solicitor and to create a new output file with her import ID.
- Select “Include the Import ID of all matched or added Constituents in the output file” :
Create a new profile that imports the donor in column B and C. When linking the gift to the solicitor, use column A and simply ignore column F and G.
In summary, your first profile ensures all solicitors have a record in the database, are marked as solicitors and that you have a file with their import ID. Your second profile imports the donors and it uses the output file from the first profile to link gifts to solicitors via their IMPORT ID.