Take a Deep Dive into the Advanced Address Processing (AAP) Form
With ImportOmatic, the Advanced Address Processing (AAP) form will be your best friend for updating address information on your constituent records. The AAP form has quite a bit of information, so let’s take a deeper dive into this form to analyze and evaluate the fields together
The top half of the AAP screen displays the incoming address data for the constituent. On the left side of the screen is the actual address block, including any additional fields such as Region, County, Info Source, etc. The right side of the screen displays all phones and emails included in the import file. It is important to note that even if you choose to ignore the incoming address data during the import, the phones and emails will still be imported.
In our first example, the incoming address is not a match to any of the existing addresses for the constituent, shown in the grid on the bottom half of the screen. Using either the ‘Add as Is’ or ‘Add with Edits’ options will add this as a new address on the constituent record. ‘Add as Is’ adds the address exactly as it appears on the screen, including the Address Type and the ‘Make Preferred’ indicator above the address block. To edit the address prior to saving it on the record use the ‘Add with Edits’ option and additional fields can be populated on the Raiser’s Edge address screen.
In our second example, the incoming address contains additional information (apartment number and zip + four) not present on the existing address record. Highlight the matching address and use the ‘Update Selected’ option to overwrite the address already in Raiser’s Edge with the updated information from the file. This option should only be used if the incoming address contains updated data for an existing address as it will completely overwrite the existing address record.
Below you’ll find a handy summary of each option on the Advanced Address Processing form. Print it out and pin it up by your desk and you’ll always have the information you need to make the right decisions when presented with the AAP screen during your import processes.
Ignore: Selecting this option will make no changes to the existing address records and the address in the data file will NOT be imported. Any incoming phones and emails will be added to the Preferred Address if present in the file.
Update Selected: Highlight the address to be updated and click on Update Selected to overwrite the highlighted address with the incoming address data. No address archiving of the existing address will occur if this option is selected.
Add as Is: Select this option to add the incoming address as a new address to the constituent’s record. If it is imported as the Preferred Address, the existing Preferred Address will be archived according to the “New Preferred Address” settings in your IOM profile.
Add with Edits: Select this option to add the incoming address as a new address to the constituent’s record. You will be able to edit the address prior to saving. If imported as the Preferred Address, the existing Preferred Address will be archived according to the “New Preferred Address” settings in your IOM profile.
The Raiser’s Edge™ is a trademark of Blackbaud, Inc.