​Constituent Relationship Management

Automated integration stops the backlog

It’s a blessing when a nonprofit organization has lots of different supporters from lots of different sources. But when a constituent, contact, relationship, and other supporter records and data updates come at you, seemingly from every data source, database professionals can be backlogged.

Omatic’s intelligent platform integration solutions stop the cursing and make adding new records and updating existing ones an automated pleasure: efficiently, accurate, and securely.

Fast integration regardless of source

These days, nonprofits rarely suffice with a single source of supporters, prospects, and ‘suspects’. New constituent, contact, and relationship records can come from a variety of online and offline sources, as well as from the abundance of Excel lists developed internally and by third-parties. Whether you use a Salesforce or a Blackbaud system, Omatic has a solution. Omatic Cloud will put you ahead of the game with expedient integration regardless of where your source data comes.

Efficient. Accurate. Secure

Intelligent, efficient nonprofit dataflow management

When you have a high volume of new and updated constituent data coming in from multiple sources in multiple formats, you only have a few choices:

1. Manual data entry – which takes a great expenditure of time and is prone to errors
2. Native import tools – which can be hard to set up and cumbersome to execute, often resulting in unexpected outcomes.

Or, a third and better option: you can use Omatic. The most reliable, cost-effective solution there is for intelligent integration and expedient nonprofit dataflow management. From its humble beginnings back in 2002, Omatic has prided itself on building effective, efficient, and intuitive integrations for nonprofit data that provide a friendly, low-tech user experience (on top of a decidedly high-tech engine) and require no customization.

Clean, standardized data without duplicate

We know that manual entry is prone to errors and can inadvertently create duplicate records. Native import tools can be worse – while faster, they can not only create duplicate records but also not effectively address the multitude of sins that maybe present in the source data – including improper casing and data that is not complaint with your data standards – causing more time to be spent on manual record updates and configuration cleanup, and that’s only if you catch those errors before the next acknowledgment or solicitation goes out.

With Omatic’s intelligent integration solutions, data cleanup, standardization, and checking for duplicates is a natural part of the automated data integration workflow, so there are no unpleasant surprises to be dealt with either after processing or down the road. Your team is happy and your donors’ experience is not disappointing.

Omatic Cloud: powered by Microsoft Azure security

In today’s world of technology, with so many systems and so much data, nonprofit data and fundraising professionals need to be hyperalert to issues surrounding data security. While no organization expects to experience a data breach, even minor security concerns may be enough to put scare into your donors and other stakeholders.

Omatic’s intelligent integrations are powered by Omatic Cloud, which in turn is built on Microsoft Azure technology. Omatic uses Azure to take advantage of its wide array of security tools and capabilities. These tools and capabilities help make it possible to create secure solutions on the equally secure Azure platform.

Integrations by System


Synchronize new and updated donor and supporter info from Classy that needs to be integrated into your main Salesforce or Blackbaud system to keep it current. And send offline data that originates in your main CRM to Classy, to ensure that Classy remains up-to-date, too.

Donor Drive

Integrate new donor, participant, and volunteer records from Donor Drive into your main CRM database – and properly update existing records without creating duplicates.


Seamlessly integrate your fundraising, communications, and event information to eliminate the data ‘blind spots’ caused by disconnected systems.

Engaging Networks

Strengthen your supporter data by integrating your Engaging Networks platform with your Raiser’s Edge / RE NXT CRM, while also keeping your supporter data current, clean, and complete.

Blackbaud Luminate Online

Consolidate all of the rich data from Luminate Online into Salesforce NPSP, Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud, Blackbaud CRM, or Raiser’s Edge®/Raiser’s Edge NXT® – and deliver an excellent supporter experience through targeted communications.