Cause & Cure Nonprofits
Effectively manage the diverse supporters of your cause
Cause & Cure nonprofit organizations support research, treatment, and resources for those who are ill or recovering – and their families – and those who treat them – are fortunate: they have a clear focus and a recognizable cause that rallies supporters who come from a broad spectrum of paths: patients, caregivers, volunteers, fundraisers, participants, sponsors, activists, providers, donors; the list goes on.
The common thread is that they want to support your cause – regardless of how and how much – and you need real-time, error-free and complete information about them to ensure that you are managing their support effectively, providing them with new and additional opportunities to support you, and maximizing the resources they provide to further your mission.
Well, you’ve come to the right place. Omatic can help effectively integrate your supporter data and automate your integration processes so that your main systems remain current, clean, and complete – so your mission can advance.
All the systems you use, connected
All those supporters and their biographical, historical, and involvement data are typically managed in a variety of different technology systems or modules that were designed for a particular purpose – case management, volunteer management, event management, etc. But leaders and managers who want data-driven insights to support strategic planning and execution need that complete view in their main database CRM – whether a Blackbaud system or Salesforce. That’s what Omatic is here for.
Synchronizable. Actionable. Reconcilable.
Efficient system synchronization
Supporter data that resides in various siloes loses impact and effectiveness when it remains in those siloes – on the one hand, data from any of those separate sources only tells you a little about a supporter or their household. On the other hand, it’s time-consuming and expensive to get that information integrated into your main CRM database. But, less functional import tools can bring in erroneous data, create duplicates, and require unmanageable post-processing clean-up.
Powered and secured by Omatic Cloud, Omatic solutions automate your data integration processes to ensure efficiency so that your main CRM database is always current and synchronized with your other systems. Omatic integrations can transform your data as it integrates to make sure it’s free of errors and complies with your existing data standards. We also leverage sophisticated record-matching functionality so that duplicate records are not created inadvertently.
Complete data is actionable data
Email activity, fundraising participation, and other supporter data that remains in various siloes leads to what we refer to as ‘blind spots’ – those who rely on your main CRM database for information may be literally blind to supporter behavior and activity happening across the organization – volunteering, event involvement, activism, even patients or caregivers subscribing to resources. When they don’t have that complete view of their constituencies, they can’t communicate in the most strategic, targeted, and effective ways possible. You risk losing folks and not achieving participation, acquisition, and retention objectives.
Omatic integrations are powerful because they can assure that your main CRM database is not only current and clean, but complete – and that your end-users always have comprehensive, synchronized data at their disposal. Complete data is actionable data because there are no blind spots, and whether you use that full information for segmentation, program management, solicitation, community events, stewardship, or anything else, you’ll be confident that your outreach and messaging is based on leveraging the most holistic view there is.
Improve your ability to reconcile
Your accounting and finance crew depends on current, clean, and complete data as much as your fundraising, event, and other supporter engagement teams. It can be tremendously frustrating for them – and for you – when transactional data has to be re-entered, or corrected, or is late – and financial statements are delayed or inaccurate. Things like that breed distrust, lack of cooperation between departments, and a credibility gap with executives, volunteer leaders, and other stakeholders.
Omatic integrations that connect your main CRM database and your finance team’s nonprofit general ledger (or subsidiary ledgers) are our sweet spot. Our finance system integrations not only reduce redundant data entry, errors, and effort, but they improve your ability to reconcile and increase trust and confidence in the numbers overall. Bridging the gap between a nonprofit’s CRM and accounting system may be its most fundamental integration. Omatic can bridge that gap for you so that your CRM and finance systems are always in sync.