Ever think about the light switches in your home and what makes them work? Probably not. When you flip the switch, you simply expect the lights to turn on without a second thought about the power plants, electrical grids, and maintenance behind it. It’s only...
Charitable giving to nonprofits is declining each year, and one reason is that donor attitudes and expectations are changing. Trust has become even more important as it continues to decline each year, and only 52% of Americans saying they trust nonprofits to do what...
Every year, the global phenomenon of GivingTuesday gains momentum, captivating millions worldwide to contribute to causes they believe in. In the previous year alone, an astounding 35 million adults participated, resulting in an incredible $20 million in donations....
Nonprofits that engage in fundraising are familiar with the concept of a ‘virtuous cycle’ (or some call it a ‘virtuous circle’) — for example, it’s the basis for Moves Management, in which fundraisers follow a cycle of cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship, which...
A nonprofit’s most valuable resource is its donors and other supporters, and maximizing those relationships tops the list of strategic priorities. Therefore, your organization should be using a CRM (constituent relationship management) database to consolidate and...
For years, the peer-to-peer model has been a great way to extend your fundraising reach. Now, when in-person events aren’t an option, it’s an indispensable tool. But, do you know how to make virtual peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns and events a success? Do you know...