Understanding Import Profile Types

The ImportOmatic Connector for Luminate Online is a direct integration with Raiser’s Edge™ and Raiser’s Edge NXT™ via APIs. Now, there is no need to download a data file for importing. The ImportOmatic Connector for Luminate Online retrieves action alert responses, calendar event attendees, calendar event surveys, constituents, sustainer gifts, donations, email activity, organization donations, survey data, TeamRaiser gifts, TeamRaiser registrants, and TeamRaiser surveys and import them into The Raiser’s Edge. In addition to all that, we have export profile types that can export RE constituents, offline donations, and TeamRaiser offline donations to Luminate Online as well as sync RE queries to LO groups.

This product comes with several different profile types that can import specific types of information from Luminate Online into the Raiser’s Edge. This guide is intended to be a quick reference to understanding these profiles types and what kind of data they specialize in pulling. This blog will focus on just the primary import profile types, future blogs coming soon will focus on the TeamRaiser import profile types as well as export profile types. Let’s take a look!

Action Alert Responses – This profile type can be used to import constituents who have responded to your advocacy efforts and the details of those responses. Action records are a great way to record this info in RE.

Calendar Event Attendees – This profile type can be used to import attendees to calendar events such as galas and lectures. You will be able to process not only the participant info, but also survey responses for individual calendar events (if only processing one), as well as participant gifts such as registration entry fees and other event donations.

Calendar Event Surveys (NEW!) – This profile type can be used to return attendee survey responses from multiple Calendar Events (not just one event like the Calendar Event Attendee type above) at one time in a separate import.

Constituents – This profile type can be used to import Luminate Online constituents into RE. This is a great way to continually add new constituents from LO to RE, as well as refresh existing constituents with updated alias, biographical, address, relationship, and contact preference information.

Donations – This profile type can be used to import donors and their donations into RE, and includes one-time gifts as well as installment payments for LO Sustainer Gifts (Recurring Gifts in RE). This profile type can also be used for establishing Tribute records in RE (ignore gifts in pass 1) to aid in later gift linking (import linked gifts in pass 2).

Email Activity – This profile type can be used to import constituents whom you have sent emails and email campaigns to through Luminate Online. This profile type is extremely useful for tracking success through email open rates, link click through rates, as well as hard or soft bounces through Action, Appeal, or even Attribute records in RE.

Organization Donations (NEW!) – This profile type can be used to import organization donors and their donations into RE. We are especially proud to offer this profile type after hearing the struggle that many of our clients were experiencing while trying to handle organizations and organization gifts through Luminate Online.

Survey Data – This profile type can be used to import responses to surveys that are NOT linked to event participants. Depending on what the survey questions are asking constituents, the responses that are returned can be recorded as actions, attributes, notepads, or practically anywhere you want in the Raiser’s Edge!

Sustainer Gifts – This profile type can be used to import new Recurring Gifts into RE, and can establish important gift details such as installment frequency, start date, and other specifics needed for new recurring gifts. It is recommended to use this profile type prior to processing donations, so that any installments can automatically apply to the appropriate Recurring Gifts in the Raiser’s Edge. If the same donation is imported more than once, IOM will create an exception and duplicate gifts will not be imported.

All of these connector profile types plus many more are included with purchase of the ImportOmatic connector for Luminate Online software. Each type includes mapping options for basic constituent biographical, address, and phone/email information – so no need to add constituents from LO to RE separately in an initial import pass – each profile type can “stand alone” and has the ability to add new/update existing constituents in RE in addition to adding specialized Luminate Online data based on profile type.

Not sure which Connector(s) you need to use? Download this spreadsheet for the list of fields returned by each of the Connectors (one per tab) plus the definitions for all of the standard fields culled from the Luminate Online API documentation. To learn more or to purchase the ImportOmatic Connector for Luminate Online, contact your Omatic Software account manager at Sales@OmaticSoftware.com or 888-662-8426, option 1.