Direct Raiser’s Edge integration for DonorDrive with ImportOmatic 3!
- Integrate any and all data from DonorDrive into Raiser’s Edge
- Completely eliminate spreadsheets from your import process
- Handle both Individual & Organization records in one combined process
- Automate DonorDrive Integration with Raiser’s Edge
For ImportOmatic clients that use DonorDrive, this means that ImportOmatic will now save you even more time! Here are a few examples of manual steps that you may be doing today (any of this sound familiar?):
1. Log into DonorDrive to pull the report:
2. Update the date filters to pull the correct transactions:
3. Wait for the download to complete…
The ImportOmatic Connector for DonorDrive handles all of these steps automatically. There is a direct connection to DonorDrive to pull the transactions you specify. You don’t need to log into DonorDrive at all! The Connector even picks up the next transaction from where you left off at your last import, ensuring that you are always bringing in the most recent data and not missing anything.
4. Download the report from DonorDrive and then manually remove the top four lines in Excel:
Yep, you can skip this step too. There is no spreadsheet needed at all.
5. Manually split Individuals and Organizations into two separate files in Excel. (And process them separately in ImportOmatic with two different profiles).
DonorDrive contains a ‘donor type’ flag that indicates if the donation is from an Individual or on behalf of a Company. The ImportOmatic Connector for DonorDrive contains logic that will automatically handle these different record types and map the data appropriately. There is no need to manually separate them and they can all be processed together with the same profile!
6. Manually combine the Business Phone & Business Phone Extension columns in Excel:
The ImportOmatic Connector for DonorDrive contains logic that will automatically combine this data and import it correctly into The Raiser’s Edge. You can skip this step too!
And, you can automate the ENTIRE process with The Scheduler. You can schedule your imports to be run at specified times so you don’t even have to click a button.
Contact Omatic Software to learn more and get started with direct integration!