Client Spotlight: Charleston Animal Society

Charleston Animal Society in Charleston, SC, is close to Omatic for several reasons. They happen to be just down the street from us! We also have two of their former employees on our staff, me being one! It was a delight that earlier this year we worked closely with their team when they successfully implemented ImportOmatic. Having first-hand knowledge of their processes improved an already client-specific implementation and training session.

People looking to adopt pets and the spay/neuter clinic clients are great sources for donor prospects, volunteers, and advocates for Charleston Animal Society’s mission. However, with hundreds of people visiting Charleston Animal Society (CAS) every week, getting this information into The Raiser’s Edge (RE) manually can be a timely process.

When I was working for CAS, it would personally take me several days to manually enter the adopters from the previous month. For a while, I would try to enter the data bi-weekly so that it wasn’t such a big list, but often times other tasks would require my attention.

I never even touched the clinic client list because there simply wasn’t enough time. Sound familiar?

The Charleston Animal Society purchased ImportOmatic late last year and since then it’s been a figurative life-saver for these literal life-savers.

A process that once took several days can now be completed in less than an hour. They can import 200 spay/neuter clinic clients in about 20 minutes and 300 adopters in approximately 30 minutes. “ImportOmatic was crucial in getting the June adopters in RE. 902 adopters were imported in 1 hour and 3 minutes,” says Kristen Riffle, Gifts Processing Coordinator at CAS.

ImportOmatic is able to check for possible duplicates, and with virtual fields CAS is able to add a constituent code to all records without it ever being in their file. Kristen says, “It would be faster, but I chose to configure my import with a lot of interaction.” Even when interacting with several rows, the data is entered significantly faster and results in a cleaner database, but one of the great things about ImportOmatic is the ability for users to customize and define how interactive or automated they want ImportOmatic to be.

Charleston Animal Society recently set a new record by adopting 203 animals in one day (source:! The ability to import these new adopters into RE in less than half an hour means spending more time on communication pieces, fundraising efforts, and animal care.

Now that the pet adopters and clinic clients are in RE, CAS is able to reach out to them and cultivate lasting relationships. When Charleston Animal Society can focus more time and energy working with supporters, they have a greater chance of reaching their goals and furthering their mission.

This is just one of the many success stories we hear and we are thrilled that CAS is just around the corner. We would love to hear your success story as well!