A Time For Thanks: Put Some Gratitude In Your Attitude!

Year-end can be a very busy time for nonprofit organizations. It is the time for increased giving, special events, goal planning and reflection over the accomplishments and lessons learned over the past year. Although this may be quite a busy time for your organization, don’t let the opportunity to give thanks pass you by!

Take the time to thank the people who helped you reach those goals this year with gestures of gratitude. Saying “thanks” is a crucial element of Thanksgiving (besides the turkey of course!) that should not be lost in the shuffle of the season. Consider sending out Thanksgiving cards (a great non-denominational holiday greeting) to thank key supporters such as volunteers, donors and advocates that have shown your mission some love this year. Don’t make it a chore, delegate the work! Don’t try to sign and send all of the thank you cards yourself, pass out the cards with addressed and stamped envelopes to staff and board members to sign and send at their convenience.

Want to give thanks without using any paper or stamps? Consider using email campaigns or social media to highlight and thank key supporters on a regular basis through the end of the year. You can easily put together a slide show or short video that celebrates the accomplishments of the past year. Remember to just thank them without asking for a donation, the focus here should be solely on gratitude. These small gestures will pay off in spades since they will not only reward the selfless acts of some of your best supporters, but will also inspire others to get more involved with your mission.

Thankfully yours,

Allison B.

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