In the last installment, we talked about putting together the right team as your organization embarks on strategic data integration. The next key step is to establish well-defined goals that everyone will want to work towards together. Over the years of working on...
In our introductory installment, we introduced the concept of respecting data integration as a strategic factor of operational excellence. Let’s dive into the first, and arguably the most difficult component of that strategy: putting together the right team. The...
For almost 20 years, we’ve been helping nonprofit organizations integrate data among their operating systems. We’ve worked on everything from fundraising to finance to friends-asking-friends. We’ve enjoyed interacting with teams who work cohesively and efficiently...
Picture this: you’re sitting at work ready to pick up the phone to dial donors, what’s the first word that comes to mind? Nervous, scared, maybe even a little apprehensive? You’re not alone! Even the most seasoned fundraiser can feel nervous or scared when...
Since launching Omatic in 2002, we’ve published almost 350 blog posts on topics like accelerating your nonprofit’s fundraising, tips on crafting the perfect email message for your constituents, data blind spots, and everything else that helps nonprofits in the realm...